Behringer ADA8200 Ultragain Digital Microphone Preamp

Behringer ADA8200 Ultragain Digital Microphone Preamp
Behringer ADA8200 Ultragain Digital Microphone Preamp
Behringer ADA8200 Ultragain Digital Microphone Preamp

Behringer ADA8200 Ultragain Digital Microphone Preamp
Very lightly used Behringer ADA8200 mic preamp with ADAT/Lightpipe IO for connection to many modern recording interfaces. I used it with a Pro Tools HD setup and 192 as well as with the new Avid Mbox Studio. It works perfectly and will add 8 channels of Midas-designed mic preamps and 8 analog outputsheadphone mixes? Runs at either 44.1K or 48K and can slave(or be master clock) via word clock or lightpipe.

Includes the power cable and a 1 meter lightpipe cable(use 2 if you need both inputs and outputs). Lightpipe cables are easy to get from Amazon and even the cheapest will sound the same because its digital.

Behringer ADA8200 Ultragain Digital Microphone Preamp