Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb

Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb
Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb
Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb
Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb
Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb
Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb

Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb
A great pre amp for anything: Guitar, Bass even vocals. Has 2 channels one with distortion a Spring reverb effect an XLR input for what ever and has a headphone jack for quite bedroom action.

I bought this in the 80's and it's one of those pieces of. Equipment you just hold to because it can always come in handy. I originally bought it as a pre amp for bass amp, then went on to use it for guitar and it's last job was a pre amp for Vocals for our practice studio. Anyway it's been sitting in my closet for 20 years.

Time to let it go. I recently tested it works great a little.

Static on the EQ switch from channel to channel only when switching it not while playing. Check my future auctions for good deals.
Vintage Yamaha PG1 The legendary Guitar, bass Pre Amp 2 channel spring reverb